It's been going since 1913 but this year the Chelsea Flower Show is different. The old marquee, well known as the world's largest, has gone - replaced by new two state-of-the-art pvc/polyester pavilions. Its passing is lamented by some but many are glad to see the back of it. There other changes too including new marquees in new areas and show gardens in new locations.
The quality of the gardens and the floral displays is as outstanding as ever with impressive exhibits representing whole countries to the tiniest of nurseries. Here we bring you previews and background to the Show. Watch this space - more will be added!

A Short History of Chelsea

It's Different this Year

And then there were two... Marquees

A Taste of New Plants

Previewing the Gardens

When, Where and How

e-garden offers Chelsea visitors on-the-spot ordering

Some Previews of the Floral Marquee Exhibits

Live From the Show
Behind The Scenes
Slide Show Tour
See It All
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